Our Schedule:

Teaching English and Art together, putting on the GospelCafé concerts, prayer, meeting with our new French friends. It's a good life!

A complete listing of very specific requests for prayer can be found under "Prayer Requests."

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Monday, July 9, 2012

I want to share something really personal today.

Do you know what a flannel graph is? It's a piece of flannel (think of some of those thicker sheets you can buy that keep you warm.) They used to put flannel on a board and use it in a class. This was before technology became what it is. When I was a kid in church they'd put cutout characters from the Bible on the flannel. The paper dolls, so to speak, would stick on the flannel. You could move them around and tell a different story every week. I loved them. 

Is Jesus just a flannel graph figure on a board from stories you may have heard before? Maybe you feel separated from him through time, space and culture? Maybe you know of him intellectually but not personally. Maybe you believe in his truths and creed and even in the text but you are not tapped into Him any more. 

His compassion displays the heart of God for the hurting. (for mothers who lost their sons - bringing them back to life), Feeding people, Loving them, guilding them, teaching them. But he's alive people! It's a holy mystery. 

He goes with me! He can go with you but he's not pushy. He won't go if he's not wanted. I call and he answers. I have been amazed at how he has answered my prayers over and over - especially in the last 4 years. While in France - I saw the wonder of God more than ever. I was stripped bare in so many ways and called him, asking him to place me where he wanted me. He guided me everywhere and gave myself and Russell (my beloved husband) many divine appointments with people!!! 

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
And saves those who are crushed in spirit. Ps 34:18

We sang this song today which once again reminded me of our journey.  "I called and He answered." - Hillsong

Falling on my knees in worship 
Giving all I am to seek your face 
Lord all I am is yours 
My whole life 
I place in your hands 
God of Mercy 
Humbled I bow down 
In your presence at your throne 
I called, you answered 
And you came to my rescue and 
I wanna be where you are, 
In my life be lifted high 
In our world be lifted high 
In our love be lifted high 
Higher and Higher! ...

Thank you dear God for this journey you've put us on.

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