Our Schedule:

Teaching English and Art together, putting on the GospelCafé concerts, prayer, meeting with our new French friends. It's a good life!

A complete listing of very specific requests for prayer can be found under "Prayer Requests."

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Celebrating Thanksgiving in France

Thanksgiving has come and gone here and we like many others are very thankful for our many blessings. Our team in France didn't celebrate the American holiday on last Thursday but still came together in gratefulness on Saturday with a few French friends to share with them why this holiday is so important to Americans. 
     Finding a turkey in Paris, like a Butterball in the frozen meat section, is non-existent  but if one asks the butcher at the local Charcuterie one can be ordered for a "pretty price." There will be mashed potatoes, maybe green bean casserole but one won't find Campbell's mushroom soup, maybe it can be made from scratch. Pumpkin pie and probably even French desserts will be found at the table, and maybe cranberry dressing if the supermarchĂ© has fresh cranberries. It's highly unlikely that the jelled cranberries in the can will be found. One might be surprised what can be found in the "gourmet" section which is more or less for expats who are lonely for a food item.
     Doing missions work far away from home can be tough on missionaries during major holidays. Especially those who may be just starting out and also those who have been working in another country for many years and have older children who are in the states going to school or working while they remain on the field. We are just beginning our work in France. While in the states now we wait for our return knowing that we will be going back next time for much longer periods missing time with our immediate families during holidays. I know that being thankful for God's word will be very helpful during these times and having a great team as ours in France who will come together as a family for holidays will help.
     The Puritans surely didn't have the 21st century dining room table setting but they had some wonderful prayers of thankfulness to God and those nearby Indians to keep them from starving. The Puritans also had determination to remain faithful to him during very tough times. There is a wonderful book called "The Valley of Vision" that has many Puritan prayers. They were thankful for God's greatness and deliverance through trials. Here is a prayer from a Puritan. It may not have been on that day but it will give you a glimpse of how they viewed life.

Help me to stand with wary eye on the watchtower of faith,
And to cling with determined grasp to my humble Lord,
And if I fall let me hide myself in my redeemer's righteousness,
And when I escape, may I ascribe all my deliverance to Thy grace.

Those of us who love God with all our hearts have so much to be thankful for  - 
  If we dwell in the shelter of the Most High and rest even in the shadow of the Almighty then we will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." He will cover us with his feathers and we will find refuge under his wings. His faithfulness will be our shield.  
     I am thankful I do not have to fear from terrors that may fall or arrows that may fly in my direction. They will not come near me. Even the Lord's angels will guard me in all my ways. They will lift up their hands to protect me.  The Lord will rescue me and protect me. He knows me by name.
     When I call, you will answer Lord. When I am in trouble you are with me. Thank you for delivering and honoring me. Thank you for giving me peace and satisfaction in my life. For this even words cannot say how truly grateful I am. (Carol's version of Psalm 91)