Our Schedule:

Teaching English and Art together, putting on the GospelCafé concerts, prayer, meeting with our new French friends. It's a good life!

A complete listing of very specific requests for prayer can be found under "Prayer Requests."

For those just getting to know us, please visit the special sections to the right.

Prayer/Praise Requests

1. We have been meeting new people to our area who want some type of community and want to connect with others.
2. Women's Bible includes 8 now - a couple of them from different areas of Europe and backgrounds. Lively discussions. 
3.To allay fears from the terror threats.
4. All our petite-filles are growing. Ruby Lynn is  1 year old. , Charlotte now 9 years, Harmony 6. Happy and healthy children. And for our children in their lives also.
5. Ongoing French language immersion for both of us. Russell is taking classes 2 mornings a week and doing his lessons on the other days.
6. Strength for each day. Vigor!
7. Church of the Vallée is able to meet in one location except during vacance. Thanking God for more stability. This church would like to find a place to call their own.
8. Manu's team, The Solid Roc' church plant is expanding and they will have once a month worship starting in the fall. Pray for the team, unity and growing and learning from each other.
9.Recruiting efforts to find one or two more teachers to help us with our classes and also those who would like to be involved in our church activities in the future.
10. We'd like to find someone (s) to live in the apartment where we currently live. We would continue to teach here and expand at the new location what we can offer.
11. The farm project. See the May blog for most current info.
12. To have  multiple spaces to live and work in: a place for worship, classes, concerts, movie nights, and teaching English and art classes plus a larger living arrangement to host guests and office space.