Our Schedule:

Teaching English and Art together, putting on the GospelCafé concerts, prayer, meeting with our new French friends. It's a good life!

A complete listing of very specific requests for prayer can be found under "Prayer Requests."

For those just getting to know us, please visit the special sections to the right.

Our Bio and Contact Information

The two of us sitting on the train at Chantiers Gare in Versailles.

Q: Are you artists/teachers or church planters?
A: Yes.

Carol:  I developed a thirst for Christian missions (doing something for others in the name of Jesus) in my Baptist church as a girl. I was active with CRU in high school -CRU is a ministry which started on university campuses in the 50s and exploded into other works around the world. I loved to do art too. But never dreamed I could do both at the same time. A degree in teaching school at the elementary, junior high and in art has led my career in many directions. Part of the time was in a school environment, business and in the church. After teaching classes and Bible in our church when our children were growing up, I was on staff for five years as Women’s Ministry Program Director at Olathe Bible Church. My involvement in women's ministries has given me the chance to mentor several younger women, plan conferences and speak. My work in France takes on many roles, too, from teaching English and art in our association to helping others in our neighborhoods and on our team to plan events, mentoring, encouraging our young church planters, administration and sharing the hope I have in Christ.

RUSSELL:  As a young boy, I struggled to explain my very real calling to become a pastor/do missions/be an artist (and do all three at the same time) to those around me. My education was at Evangel College, Springfield, MO, and my degree, was a B.A. in Ceramics/Printmaking and English literature from Truman State University, Kirksville, MO. Seminary classes were with the Institute of Biblical Studies, Fort Collins, CO. I was ordained into the pastoral ministry in 1986 at Bales Baptist Church in Kansas City when we left to join CRU at their headquarters/art dept. in California. Next stop I became art director for Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. When the dept. closed I began freelancing for various secular and Christian organizations and publishing houses. Back home in the KC, MO area after 10 years in Illinois I served on the elder board of Olathe Bible Church and taught in the Homebuilders young adult class and in small groups, preached and spoke in churches around the country. did weddings and funerals. spiritual gifts are Pastor/Shepherd, Teaching, Helps, Hospitality and Faith.

We have been working in some capacity with World Team France (France V.I.E.) for 3 years. Working part time in 2011 and 2012 and arrived back in France July 2013 to continue our ministry here full time. Besides being part of a pastoral team to help young French church planters in establishing new churches in areas where there is no Protestant church. We teach English and art to our French neighbors and Russell is doing illustration and design for the team. 

Contact us: 
russell.barr@worldteam.org • carol.barr@worldteam.org
International Number (USA no.): 785-727-1933
9 rue de Paris, 78460, Chevreuse, France