Our Schedule:

Teaching English and Art together, putting on the GospelCafé concerts, prayer, meeting with our new French friends. It's a good life!

A complete listing of very specific requests for prayer can be found under "Prayer Requests."

For those just getting to know us, please visit the special sections to the right.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Jumpstarted Church Life

Paul talks about Christ loving the church by “giving himself up for her, that he might sanctify her (sanctify means to make holy - we are set apart on this spiritual journey as Christians.) It doesn't mean we are better than anyone else. When we profess Christ crucified and the Savior of the world; he made us holy, he saved us from eternal separation away FROM God when we die to be WITH Him in perfect peace for all of eternity! That's huge. Then he begins this spiritual process in us - this journey of continual sanctification of holiness, knowledge, peace, and true love beyond anything we can imagine. It doesn't mean we can't enjoy life. Jesus promises that he came so we "can have life and have it to the full!" John 10:10

This enables us to have a relationship with Him and thereby a relationship with others that's really special. I'm not kidding! A real relationship with God who is alive and loves us!, The apostle Paul calls the church the “pillar and foundation of the truth” in our world today (Eph 5:25-26; 1 Tim 3:15). Scripture focuses so much on community. People want community today and you hear about it. —In biblical terms it means, the many parts of the body of Christ or the believers being built together into a holy temple—all of which implies that all of our labors should be spent on the building up of the church. He called us to be together to take care of each others needs. If we truly lived out what Christ commanded about assembling together we wouldn't need all this "social justice" that needs to happen. Churches have stepped up for generations in taking care of people.

There is a trend today where many Christians don't see the need for meeting together as a church body. (I'm not talking about a church building but as a group of believers coming together on a continuous basis). This is crucial to having a relationship with God and each other that goes deeper much faster.  We meet as a group to love and serve each other, grow in the knowledge of Him and serve those in the world. These people become an extension of our physical families. It gives glory to God and he asks us to do it. This is how we meet those needs of people who do not have families that care for one another.

If you haven't met with a group of believers in a while, or never at all, to worship the Lord and grow in the knowledge of Him—maybe it's time in the New Year to jumpstart that again. Worship as a group the one true God and allow him to work in your life. Bring a friend.

That's why Russell and I believe in planting churches in areas that have none. One church for 80,000 people in the Paris region. It's critical for the life of the believer. They are spiritually poor in France and God has made us spiritually rich to share what we know.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Video Presentation Complete!

Check it out. In the column to the right click on "Video Presentation." There is also a DVD version we can ship to anyone who wants one.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Heart of America Christmas Pageant

We just got back from the pageant at First Baptist Church in Raytown, Missouri. Amazing! What we saw was not just a performance, but what 31 years of love and devotion to a project can accomplish.
At some point they will be streaming the performance on their website. I'll post the details when they become available.
Blessings to you in this Christmas season!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Two New Design Projects

Recently Russell completed two important assignments.

He was asked to design a new general brochure for World Team and a new logo for France V.I.E.

Cover for the World Team General Brochure
New logo for World Team in France

He is also working on a third assignment—a World Team training manual for church planters that will be available the first of December for staff worldwide.

Meeting News

In response to a letter we sent to several people requesting help in setting up group meetings, eight couples are going to invite friends and family to their homes and host presentations. Nine more couples are praying about the possibility of hosting.

We need to multiply our audience since we cannot multiply ourselves. (Actually we are trying even that.) A DVD of our presentation is in the works for those people outside of our driving range.

This is a postcard invitation available to anyone  who is planning a group meeting. Contact us if you would like to have us send you some.

French Christmas Cards

Carol and I met the young French couple, Baptiste and Emilie Margaillan, during the Paris Prayer Conference in 2005. Baptiste is an artist and Emilie teaches French sign language. They are also now fellow church planters working in the Paris area. He has designed Christmas cards using some of his paintings to help raise funds for their ministry in France.

To purchase some of his cards log on to: www.baptistemargaillan.fr

He has both Euro and Dollar price lists. This would be a great way to support our team in France.

Friday, November 26, 2010

A Night in Bethlehem

Russell will be a potter in Bethlehem for three nights during the Christmas season! He will sit in his "shop" at the potter's wheel and produce pottery during the event put on by First Assembly of God in Independence, MO.

If you would like to attend please go to the following URL:

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Christmas Pageant

We are blessed to be staying in missionary housing provided by First Baptist Church in Raytown. We live less than a mile from the church and have enjoyed becoming involved in the very active life of this wonderful, worshipful congregation. We didn't have to think very long about the request to help paint new sets for the upcoming Christmas pageant. Since we no longer have a studio, the chance to do something art related was just too good to pass up.

Carol adding shadows.

Tickets for the 2010 Heart of America Christmas Pageant, I Need a Silent Night, are now available. Order by clicking here or by visiting the ROC Bookstore (inside First Baptist Rayown). Pageant tickets are complimentary and available to the public. If you have questions about performances or ticket information, call the Pageant Line at 816-778-1153.

Russell Blending colors with a damp cloth.

2010 Performances:
Friday, December 3 - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 4 - 
3:30 sold out & 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 5 - 3:30 p.m.
Friday, December 10 - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 11 - 3:30 & 7:00 p.m.

Sunday, December 12 - 3:30 p.m.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fun-House Pizza

     We find it ironic that after 30 years of marriage, and moving all over the country, that we  would now be living within a mile of the place we had our first "non-date." Fun-House Pizza is still here, but the building behind it that housed Graphics Plus, the company where we met, is sitting empty. (Our lives are anything but.)
     Aimed at France as missionary church planters, we feel a sense of place and purpose we couldn't have imagined sitting at Fun-House all those years ago trying to figure out our relationship.