Our Schedule:

Teaching English and Art together, putting on the GospelCafé concerts, prayer, meeting with our new French friends. It's a good life!

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

And they instantly left

Some friends of ours who do medical missions every so often were reading Spurgeon's morning and evening devotions. Russell reads them most days online. That day, recently, it talked about the disciples giving everything up instantly—leaving their boats and following him. It so struck our friends that the disciples instantly left their boats. They had been talking about financially supporting our work but hadn't called us in a while. They decided that day was the day and knew they had to instantly get up and call us. I sit here with tears in my eyes. If they only knew that we'd instantly leave if we could. And I appreciate their willingness to "up and call us" when they finished reading that scripture.

I know the Lord knows we are following him right here in Kansas City, but our path leeds elsewhere. We have a call to France. And, of course, sometimes we wonder how we could "up and leave" for France and continue the work. Why do things have to be so complicated? Paul experienced shipwreck, prison and years of preparation for his work. We have done our prep, our children are all in good places, our house is sold, and the only thing left is...     - Carol

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