Our Schedule:

Teaching English and Art together, putting on the GospelCafé concerts, prayer, meeting with our new French friends. It's a good life!

A complete listing of very specific requests for prayer can be found under "Prayer Requests."

For those just getting to know us, please visit the special sections to the right.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Latest Adventure through the people we meet.

No one can say we don't have an interesting life. We'd like to be working in France right now but there are things to accomplish before going back. We are enjoying meeting new people, seeing our family  once in a while and we are thankful for the many opportunities we've had to impact our world, no matter which world we're in. While in the United States we do not have a salary from our organization so we have to find money making projects until we can get back to France.

Since our home base has been in the northeast part of Missouri in recent times with Russell's folks, we ventured up to a Chamber of Commerce in Kirksville. There upon, we met some nice folks who own a vineyard and named it after their adopted son Jacob who has down's syndrome. Their idea is to have their 501c3 help children and adults with disabilities by teaching them about agriculture, preserving, canning and running a business.

Our relationship has deepened and I'm painting a mural on their 29 ft. x 9.5 ft wall. College students had painted on this wall before a few years ago and they wanted it to look more professional. We struck a deal and now I'm taking a few of their elements and re-designed the whole look. Here's a photo.

The far left side will be grapevines on top of the earth. I'm working on the background right now.

The left side is a view to the outside. The right side of the mural is from within.  Just remember it's a fantasy. :0)

There will be a stone floor with more grapevines in the background.
The wall will have a clock and there will be a table and chairs in the background on the right side floor.

close-up view of Lucy stomping the Grapes 

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