Carol and I receiving our certificates of completion at ICC |
The Intercultural Communications Course is done. We left the Wycliffe JAARS campus in Waxhaw, NC, with our heads spinning and our hearts full. There is too much to tell, but we will try, over the next few weeks, to unpack some of what we learned about cross-cultural ministry, about ourselves, and about what it will mean for the journey ahead.
The ICC experience was a month of constant input—overwhelming at times. One of the things I enjoyed the most was the emphasis on Spiritual Vitality. The two things that impact missionary effectiveness the most (and ultimately whether they last on the field) are spiritual maturity and team dynamics. Guess what we spent a lot of time on?
Aside from scripture memory, and a great deal of time doing an inductive study of the book of Ephesians together, there was a three hour block of time one Saturday set aside for a personal spiritual retreat. Usually, when I get alone to pray I pick a spot in the woods or on the water, away from everything. I take my Bible and my journal and try, between reading, praying and writing, to sort out what I've been through and get perspective on the days ahead. This time I decided to forgo the usual and do something entirely different. There was a laundry room in the apartment building next door that Carol and I used while we were there. We were not on the rotation list for cleaning and I decided that for my three hours I would do just that. I cleaned and dusted inside and out. While I occupied my hands with work I let my mind and my heart be still and enjoyed a time of openness to the Spirit. No agenda. No expectations. Just a time when I could free myself to listen.
I was on my knees trying to get to a spot behind the hot water heater when it came to me that there were places you could only get to on your knees. It may sound trite but try to accomplish anything without prayer and see where it leads.
Thank you all for praying for us. -Russell
Outside the French Congolese Church with new friends |
An exercise dealing with world views |
Carol during break time |
Inside our apartment |
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