Our Schedule:

Teaching English and Art together, putting on the GospelCafé concerts, prayer, meeting with our new French friends. It's a good life!

A complete listing of very specific requests for prayer can be found under "Prayer Requests."

For those just getting to know us, please visit the special sections to the right.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

In the Middle of the Night

      Our children had us over this evening to celebrate Russell's birthday. It was lots of fun and the grand girls enjoyed the balloons and Jolene rolling around in her hamster ball. Harmony's 1 year old screams of delight towards Jolene were quite amusing. Jolene didn't know what was going on and she kept rolling along.
      Uncle Joe's hair-raising experiments with the girls and the balloons were also a hit as well as showing his bug collection which raised some eyebrows and "Ooh, cool" remarks. Our almost 4 year old Charlotte wasn't too sure of that one big bug that bites. (But Joe explained that they live on the water and they only bite when they are alive.) She was having none of that. Ha.
      The pizza tasted delicious and the ice cream and cake added to the night of fun. But at 1:30 AM the fun returned in that wonderful acidy feeling.
      Since I cannot go back to sleep yet I thought I'd let you know what the latest is on my plans. You may know that we recently got this offer from our French Team to come out to help them work for 3 months in France. They wanted Russell to do various things and for me to help administrate their Prayer Conference since one of their administrators has to come back to the states early. We felt that Russell was needed to stay back here in the States to continue gathering partners and finances to get us to the field permanently. I didn't know if I could be gone 3 months so we finally said, "How about 2?" They were fine with that.
      It was sad to say goodbye to the children and faculty at the 3 schools where I worked. This was my last week to work for PC Kidz, and I was leaving Ronda, the owner of this franchise. She has been great and I appreciate her willingness to work with me so I can go to France to help the teammates over there. We don't always know what lies ahead do we? I would highly recommend this company to anyone who would love their children to learn how to use a computer the proper way. It teaches so many things that will help children do well in school. Contact me if you want to know more.
      My plane leaves this Monday morning in Kansas City and I arrive in France Tuesday morning after a few hour layover in Philadelphia Monday afternoon. I will be there the months of March and April with the conference starting April 9th. I would appreciate prayers for safe travel and that I can be used to the best of my ability to help administrate this in whatever way they need to the glory of God. Pray that Ronda with PCKidz will have her teacher ready to take over for my position soon and that all would go well there. - Carol

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